360 Bilder

Prices & opening hours

Summer 2024

until 06.09.2024

MON to FRI: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr (only for guests of our partner companies)

Saturday: 13:00-18:00 Uhr (for everyone but only with registration)

Autumn 2024

23.09.2024 bis 02.11.2024

MON to FRI: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr (only for guests of our partner companies)

Saturday: 13:00-18:00 Uhr (for everyone but only with registration)

Winter 2024/25

02.12.2024 until 25.04.2025

MON to FRI: 9:15 - 18:00 Uhr (only for guests of our partner companies)

Saturday: 13:00-18:00 Uhr (for everyone but only with registration)


Entrance fee on Saturday for guests from non-partner companies:

Attention: Saturdays for external visitors only possible with advance registration! Application form

  • Kids: € 9,00
  • Adults: € 2,00

We only accept cash in the Playarena. Thank you for your comprehension!

The entry to the Playarena and the child care is free for guests of the partner companies!

Playarena Package for Businesses that are not Partners:

Supervision of children and youths from 3-16 years

  • 3-day package: € 165
  • 4-day package: € 210
  • 5-day package: € 260

    3, 4 or 5 consecutive days can be chosen. Lunch is charged separately (€5.50). Prices do not include the activities!
    Admission rate for Saturday 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: € 9 (supervision only)

    Clever Booking & Many Advantages

    To make it even better, we invite you and your family as guests of one of our partner businesses to enjoy the Playarena for free or at massively reduced prices. With our Playarena children’s taxi we pick you up right at our partner businesses’ and bring you back safely and happily in the late afternoon. The Playarena is a member of the Tiroler Familiennester association and offers certified child care with creative programmes. You are in the best of hands with us!
